Tuesday 26 October 2010

Max MSP Live Looper

Throughout researching videos on youtube that combined both a performance and technology aspect, I found this interesting video which has been posted from a user named Seamsmusic. Within this, Seamsmusic has created a patch using the software Max MSP which randomly loops live audio which has been taken from the condenser microphone, this audio information is randomly looped within given parameters which adds a textural slutter effect.
When both singing and playing the guitar into the condenser microphone, the patch created in Max MSP takes this information and produces a robotic stutter which adds an interesting effect to a live performance. From this, after watching the video above, I would like to experiment more with live audio and Max MSP to create a patch similar to Seamsmusic. Inevitably, if I was to develop an idea that includes both  live audio and Max MSP I would want to use this in a performance aspect; possibly having a band performing and using microphones that are connected to a patch within Max 5?

1 comment:

  1. Nice. This week we might get around to looking at using the buffer~ object, which is what you'd be using for stuff like this.
