Monday, 21 March 2011

Wii Remote Connection

After proposing my end of term "Tennis Wii Remote" idea to the Performance Technology class, I felt that it was particularly important to research into softwares and Max MSP patches that would allow myself to control a Wii remote (which would be placed within a ball) to a pre-made patch in Max5.
After researching online web forums and having a discussion with Simon, we decided to use a software named OSCulator as this software has been designed to synchronise electronic gadgets to a range of MIDI sequencers as well as supporting softwares such as Max MSP, SuperCollider etc.  After downloading OSCulator, I tried to sync the "wiimote" to the computer but had a number of connection problems which were soon resolved after I changed the batteries and pressed the sync button placed within the battery compartment. 
When connected, I then opened a pre-made patch in Max MSP created by OSCulator which displays the positioning of the Wii remote controller concerning pitch, roll, yaw and scalar acceleration data; this patch is displayed below:

As a result of connecting the Wii to Max MSP, the next stage that I think will be essential will be  to create a patch which will be designed around the movement and positioning of the Wii Remote, from this, I think that it may be beneficial for myself to research and investigate whether people are already using Wii Remotes with softwares such as Max and the possibilities of producing a range of sounds.

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