The Wii is a video game console which was released by Nintendo in 2006 which has developed the idea of allowing users to control and manipulate functions of the console through the use of motion sensors which is achieved through the technology used within the remote control. The Wii Remote is a wireless motion sensing controller which has used both accelerometer and optical sensor technology in order to allow the user to control the gaming of the console through wrist/arm movements which ultimately offers a unique experience when playing.
From this, my proposed idea for the Performance Technology Showcase is to use the technology within the Wii Remote to create an object which produces sound depending on the movement of the controller. When walking around Tramway, I noticed that many of the installations allowed and encouraged the public to interact with them and from this, I want to create an instrument that requires human interaction.
From this, I have decided to incorporate the technology used within the Wii Remote and to develop this within a sporting activity. My proposed idea is to place the wii remote into a ball which will be used in a game of Tennis, Badminton, Swingball, Football etc. When placed inside a ball, the wii remote will be wirelessly connected to a patch created in Max MSP which will produce a range of sounds depending on the movement of the controller.
As a rough idea, this project requires a lot of research and design developments as there are many areas in which I need to investigate including:
*The physical weight/dimensions of the Wii remote and the possibilities of placing this within a ball.
* How to connect the Wii Remote to Max MSP and to research any software which allows myself to do this.
* Creating a patch which is designed around the movement of the Wii Remote and which successfully works accordingly.
*Anthropometric problems which may arise and any difficulties regarding human interaction.
In conclusion, the next stage of this idea is to research and look into the connection between using the controller alongside with Max MSP.
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