Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Max MSP Algorithmic Patch

After beginning to use Max 5, the patch above is one of the first patches that I have created within my Performance Technology class with help from the tutorial video and the result of this is that the patch produces a random drunken melody.
Revolving around the "drunk" object in the centre of the patch, the button above this sends a bang to the drunk object which produces a note that will randomly leap each time when pressed. These leaps are determined from the number 4 within the drunk object and this  creates a range for the leaps to jump from, this particular range is from -3 to 3. As well as this, the number 128 within the drunk object determines the note range and this can be altered determine the range where I would like my melody to be created. Furthermore, through the use of the "metro 500" object; this object ticks continuously every 500 milliseconds and creates a rhythmical feeling to the patch which ultimately enables the Max 5 patch to create a randomly drunken melody.
From this; designed as a melody maker, this patch allows the user to create unique and random melodies through the process of connecting relative objects together

Tutorial Video taken from the user scje's channel on youtube.

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